In Java, an interface is a type that defines a contract of methods that a class must implement if it implements that interface. In other words, an interface specifies a set of method signatures that a class must provide, without dictating how those methods should be implemented. Interfaces are an essential part of Java's object-oriented programming model and are used to achieve abstraction and achieve a level of decoupling between classes.

Here's the basic syntax of an interface in Java:


interface MyInterface {

    // Declare method signatures (no method bodies)

    void method1();

    int method2(String parameter);

    // ...



To implement an interface, a class uses the `implements` keyword, and it must provide concrete implementations for all the methods declared in the interface. Here's an example:


class MyClass implements MyInterface {


    public void method1() {

        // Provide an implementation



    public int method2(String parameter) {

        // Provide an implementation

        return 0;




There are different types of interfaces in Java:

1. **Normal Interface:** This is the most common type of interface, as shown in the examples above. It declares abstract methods that a class must implement.

2. **Marker Interface:** Also known as a "tag" interface, a marker interface is an empty interface with no method declarations. It is used to mark a class as having a certain property or behavior. For example, the `Serializable` and `Cloneable` interfaces are marker interfaces in Java. They indicate that a class can be serialized or cloned, respectively.

3. **Functional Interface:** A functional interface is a special type of interface that has exactly one abstract method. They are often used in conjunction with lambda expressions and the Java 8+ functional programming features. The `java.util.function` package contains several built-in functional interfaces, such as `Function`, `Consumer`, and `Predicate`.

4. **Single Abstract Method (SAM) Interface:** A SAM interface is another term for a functional interface. It has only one abstract method and is often used with lambda expressions and method references.

5. **Default Interface:** Starting from Java 8, interfaces can have concrete (default) methods. These methods have an implementation in the interface itself, and classes that implement the interface can choose to use the default implementation or provide their own. This feature was introduced to enhance backward compatibility when adding new methods to existing interfaces, like the `java.util.List` interface.

6. **Static Interface Method:** Starting from Java 8, interfaces can also have static methods. These methods are defined at the interface level and can be called on the interface itself, not on implementing classes.

7. **Constant Interface:** This is not a recommended practice, but it's worth mentioning. A constant interface is an interface that contains only constants (i.e., `static final` fields). While it's possible to create such interfaces, it's generally considered a bad practice because it pollutes the implementation classes with a lot of constants, and it doesn't provide any real benefits in terms of abstraction.

In summary, interfaces in Java are a powerful tool for defining contracts and achieving abstraction. They come in various forms, from basic interfaces with abstract methods to special types like functional interfaces and marker interfaces.